Four Conditions of Just Sustainabilities

-What are the Four Conditions of Just Sustainability

  1. Improving quality of life
  2. Helping not just the present but future generations
  3. Achieving sustainability equally and in a just way
  4. One planet living

By working to eliminate food insecurity and scarcity through proper nutrition education and regenerative community farming, quality of life can be improved, through improved food quality and an intake of necessary nutrients. Future generations can reap off the rewards of present generations if we work toward this goal now. Skills like regenerative farming can be passed down generation to generation to keep this cycle going. Orleans is a city filled with poverty and lower-class families, so the only way to see the solution work is to create a food system in which everyone has equal access. By bringing back regenerative farming, it embodies like one planet living, by giving back to what we take from.

-Key Challenges

A key challenge will be prying communities away from the consumer mindset, and switching to a more provider mindset in which individuals take it upon themselves to provide for themselves and their community. What keeps us tied down is the convenience of consumerism; Dominator culture has tried to keep us all afraid, to make us choose safety instead of risk, sameness instead of diversity. Moving through that fear, finding out what connects us, reveling in our differences; this is the process that brings us closer, that gives us a world of shared values, of meaningful community.” (Hooks 10). Consumerism is seen as safe because we can always rely on things being there to consume. When we are on our own, providing for ourselves can be scary because it is up to ourselves, which can explain why people get trapped in this cycle of consumerism. Another key challenge will be reeducating communities about proper nutrition and creating a demand for healthier food options. All our lives we have had processed foods thrown at our face, which has created an addiction or craving of processed foods. It will be a challenge to break this addiction or craving of processed foods to switch over to the mindset of craving healthier more nutritious foods.×2160/7764882-Bell-Hooks-Quote-When-culture-is-based-on-a-dominator-model-not.jpg